A CHANCE ENCOUNTER (For 4 Artists, 8 Speakers, 7 Images and 16 Questions)
8-channel sound work, 7-part series of images (2018/2019)

In collaboration with Yvette Janine Jackson (USA), Katarina Petrović (SRB) and Karen Werner (USA)

Four artists explore sounds, meanings and experiences of trust through an experimental creative approach. The idea of this piece is based on a mutual trust between the artists who are becoming collaborators by accident. An 8-channel composition is created from 4 separate pieces made individually and in dialogue, yet without prior hearing of each others' parts.

October 2018 / TONSPUR_pasaža at Maribor Town Hall, Slovenia as part of MFRU 2018 – International Festival of Computer Arts Maribor
February - April 2019 / TONSPUR_passage, TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien, MQ – MuseumsQuartier Wien
